Our new recs look really good. The Black Ships Low 7" sounds heavier than the CD (to me, cos' I'm a nerd), and the Sainte Catherines / Us Against the World 7" is just raging. Still not Getting any... Credibility from the Sainte Catherines stands has one of my fav songs from them, as they take another jab at Simple Plan.
My Ste-4 top 3.
1. The International Badminton Championship (1-2-3 go version, fhh split)
2. Still not Getting any... Credibility (from our 7 inch)
3. Track and Field Style (from Fat release)
Also I was in Toronto this week, I went to Rotate This for the first time since they moved, the new store is pretty cool, they took a bunch of our records. I really like Toronto. The last time I was there was for the Discord / Locust show on the exclaim tour, and it was ok, but this time around I wandered a bit more, and really enjoyed it. Cudos Toronto