We’re back with the Five Favorites feature…and this installment comes courtesy of Halifax’s The Stolen Minks. The band released their great new album, High Kicks, a few months back and soon after headed out on a tour that would make Magellan feel road weary (that’s right folks, That’s Fucking Dynamite, your premiere source for 15th century, Portuguese explorer humour). Tiina from the band was good enough to pass along a list of her current favorite albums, check ‘em out.
MP3: The Stolen Minks - Consecutives
Five Favorites with The Stolen Minks
Statues - New People Make Us Nervous
A perfect pop punk record. Every verse, every chorus and every bridge is catchy. There was a night on tour when were driving through the mountains in some terrible weather. I was driving, gripping the steering wheel and just about having a panic attack. Steph put on this album and I chilled the eff out and we made it though the mountains. Basically, Statues saved our lives.
The Bugs - …the Bugs
Our new friends in Portland OR, The Mean Jeans, played this band for us and we lost our minds. Fuckin’ A Right became our tour theme. If we ever get to see them play this song live, I think we’d freak out and be screaming and crying, like they were The Beatles.
Mission of Burma - Vs.
We brought a copy of Our Band Could Be Your Life on tour with us, and we’d all read bits of it here and there. Erica got the furthest in the book and therefore was an expert on 80’s hardcore. Some annoying boy would be talking shit about punk rock and Erica would be all, “Oh no, Rollins joined Black Flag in 1981, not 1980. Check your facts, son.” Erica bought a Mission of Burma CD for $5 from Amoeba records in San Francisco and we listened to it like crazy.
The Maynards - Date and Destroy
Our hometown BFFs finished their new album while we were on tour, but were kind enough to email it to us. It was such an awesome way to soothe our home-sickness. This is a super fun record from one of my favourite bands ever. My favourite song, In the CIA, has so much plot jammed into two minutes of solid rocking. There are like, character arcs. Amazing.
Jay Reatard - Blood Visions
We took a day off on tour and drove to Philadelphia just to see Jay Reatard. We listened to this album so much and marveled at how awesome it is. Then we all got a a little sad when we heard Jay, in an interview with Nardwuar, say that he generally doesn’t like female vocals. Sob! I don’t care! I can change him, Mom!