All-female garage rock band
The Stolen Minks will promote the Sept. 16 New Romance For Kids release of the group's second album,
High Kicks, with a six-week Canadian tour before they head to the U.S. in October.
High Kicks was produced by Dave Ewenson at The Echo Chamber studio in The Stolen Minks' hometown of Halifax. Ron Bates mastered the album and Yo Rodeo!'s Paul Hammond designed the cover.
"Reflexes," "I Hate You" and "Viola Desmond" can be previewed on The Stolen Minks'
MySpace page.
The Stolen Minks are composed of guitarist Steph Johns, bassist Tiina Johns, drummer Erica Butler and recently married keyboardist Rachelle Goguen. The band released their self-titled debut EP in 2005 and re-released it last year on seven-inch vinyl. Their first full-length,
Family Boycott, came out in 2006.
Halifax's Gus' Pub will host a CD release party on Aug. 22, where the first 30 copies of
High Kicks sold will be accompanied by a CD cozy hand-knitted by the group members. The Stolen Minks also promise "a cupcake eating contest, loot bags, costumes and fun."
Snotty, shouty Stolen Minks: Arthur speaks to Halifax band the Stolen Minks PDF E-mail
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 September 2008 )
Written by Mike Butler, on 08-09-2008 10:07
The Stolen Minks play Rock n’ Roll music, plain and simple. Their snotty, shouty and sometimes silly songs inspire the kind of pure excitement you usually only find in a garage full of sixteen year olds. The all girl three piece from Halifax N.S. has released two EPs for Montreal label New Romance for Kids, and is currently on the first leg of a 60 date cross continent tour in support of their first full length, “High Kicks.” I caught up with drummer, Erica Butler, by phone as she was leaning out a bathroom window somewhere along the Trans-Canada highway.
Arthur: Lets start with the basics. How long have you guys been around and what brought you together in the first place?
Erica: I guess we’ve been around for about five years. We got together in Halifax. Basically Steph (guitar) and Tiina (bass) were working together and had all kinds of ideas to form all kinds of bands. They recruited Rachelle to play keyboards and me to play drums. Steph and I had played in a band that we had sort of thrown together for Ladyfest Halifax, so she knew I was sort of a novice on the drums. Steph was probably the most proficient, Tiina and I were pretty much novices. We did a lot of instrumentals when we started. We wanted to be a rockabilly band, we covered Link Wray and stuff like that. Then we just started writing more and more songs, and it’s been a slow progression, but I think you can notice a difference with every recording.
A: Alright. Lets talk about the new record then, and maybe how it differs from the first two.
E: This recording we did in a studio; before we were in basements. This time we understood more of what was possible. We all knew a lot more and knew what we wanted. Before, all of us were complete novices. We were working with a sound engineer for the first time, a guy named Dave Ewanson, and it was nice to be able to ask for certain sounds like, “Hey, can this be crunchier?” and then he could actually make it sound that way.
We had a lot of fun with the album like that. It doesn’t sound anything like our live shows; there are a couple sound effects and things like that, but our live shows are pretty straight up and basic.
A: Was it a conscious decision to do a full length this time rather than another EP?
E: Does it really matter? It has how many songs? We were kinda just working with what we had. We are aware of clocking in at sixteen minutes, we put in all this work and then its like “What? Its only how long?” But I think that’s the last thing to worry about. Does it really matter what its called? EP or Full Length?
A: No I guess it doesn’t. I’d like to ask you about the tour you’re on now. It’s pretty ambitious. Whose idea was it to do 60 dates over three months?
E: We all wanted to do it. The goals of the band have always been one step at a time. After we toured Canada last summer, it was like “Who wants to see the Grand Canyon?” There’s a certain romance to it, I mean isn’t the North American road trip what everyone wants to do? We’re all still at the point where we can book off a couple of months from our lives. So shortly after the summer tour last year we decided to go for it.
A: There’s a real girl power feel to some of your songs. If you had a revolution what would it look like?
E: I can’t really speak for everyone in the band, but as far as a musical revolution is concerned… I went to Ladyfest Midwest in Chicago last summer. It was awesome. The stages were filled with fifty-fifty boys and girls. Everyone’s making music, no one’s held back. That would be a good revolutionary goal. But all that stuff is kind of secondary. As far as a girl power thing goes, I think girls are too diverse a section of society to be represented by a band or a group of bands. It probably means something if you’re looking at the world and writing an essay called “On Representations of Women in Rock and Roll” or something… Then maybe. But not from our point of view. We don’t worry about it. We’re pretty much just hooked on performing and enjoying it.
The Stolen Minks are playing at the Spill on Monday September 10th with “BFF’s” The Guest Bedroom.
Vue Edmonton
Mini Review
The Stolen Minks
High Kicks
New Romance for Kids
What an awesome band!
Sloppy and delicious like
Sex with Dan Carlyle!